
The Eostine: Faith of the Eos Consortium

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The Eostine:

What is the Eostine?

The Eostine is the official and primary faith of the entire Eos Consortium. It is based in its belief that Eos is the divine creator of the universe and that the Eos Consortium are his chosen children. Laid out In the 5 tomes of Eostine is the chronicled history of Eos and the commandments to his children.

What are the primary teachings?

The Eostine teachings say that Eos created the universe and filled it with life. However Eos was just one of many brothers, and when they found out what he had done they cast him from the heavens and denounced him as fallen. These corrupted and jealous brothers wished to see Eos exiled but instead he created the Eosians to be his children, culturing them and breathing wisdom into their hearts. He shaped the Eosians and walked among them teaching them how to create beautiful architecture, how to farm, how to wage war, how to create energy and much more. He took the head of his children and taught them well, setting in place the religious orders of the Exemplars and the clergy, watching and helping them expand to the stars to become a mighty empire. Any other race or empire the Eosians came across were to either converted to their belief or exterminated in fire. As Eos commanded any who did not follow the Eostine were merely tests to overcome. However one day Eos decreed that he must return to his domain in the heavens to fight his brothers and restore the light to the universe, the Eosians pleaded to help aid him but he decreed they were not yet ready. He would come back to them in the end of days when they were worthy, where he would then lead them to victory against the fallen brothers. He took his knowledge and decrees and wrote the 5 tomes of the Eostine, 1 for the history, 1 for his decrees and 3 for his knowledge with each tome being impossibly large. And with that he departed.

Now the Consortium has a mandate to convert or kill any non Eosian species and deems them to be tests to be overcome. It also teaches that Eosians are perfect, any so their race has not evolved or changed in millions of years since its creation.

Religious practices

The Eostine dictates that prayer be undertaken to Eos at least 5 times a day, two in the morning, one exactly mid-day and two in the evening. The one at mid-day preferably should be at an Eosian religious cathedral however it is understood if they cannot when there is none around. Soldiers as well must fight with various mantras on their lips and Eosians are known to tattoo specific mantras onto their skin from the Eostine tomes. Eosians also eat only once a day in the form of the Eos sustenance the mysterious blue liquid that their race seems to survive on in a ritualistic fashion which either takes place with their families, prayer groups or in the military bonded squads. Blood sacrifice in the name of Eos also takes place but only when the blood spilled is heathen in origin, for an Eosian to spill another Eosians blood is of the highest sacrilege and the Eosian in question to be tortured to death for their transgression. Internal deviation from the Eostine is also met as heretical and those involved put to death, the instance of the War of Faith the Eos civil war which happened a few thousand years ago was when two sects of the faith, one faithful devotees to the old ways and the other a new radical sect which pronounced that Eos was not a god and instead a powerful being who deserved not worship but respect. The war lasted several decades with horrific losses on either side, until the loyalists developed Eosian interdiction technology and was able to stop the radical hit and run attacks and destroy their radicals completely. Those that spoke this heresy were hunted down and immolated, every man women and child.

The Truth
(The following is considered OOC canon and there is no way any faction currently in Anc would know about this)

Unbeknownst to the Eosians Eos wasn’t in fact a god. He was a Nakai general. During the Nakai height of their empire their greatest general Eos who commanded the Geniocracys armies was undefeated by any foe. He grew too complacent with his own abilities and attempted a coup against the ascended council thinking he was undefeatable. He was in fact defeated by He’Rious of the Nakai and he was exiled from that dimension. Eos and his ship found a primitive species on a desert planet and using his advanced knowledge of genetic engineering turned the race into the Eosians. Still convinced of his own power he inducted them so that they worshipped him as a god, using his skills and technology to accelerate their races evolution and construction artificially by thousands of years. Helping them reach the stars and more. However after learning of the Draken invasion Eos decided that his people needed him, leaving the Consortium as they were in an attempt to keep them back as potential reinforcements he returned to the Nakai, and subsequently died in the war fighting back the Draken at the Oblivion gates to buy his peoples remnants time to escape into their pocket dimension, unable to contact his children Eos fell that day.

And now the Eosians continue to prepare themselves for a war that will never come, for a god who never was a god and for a cause that is as hollow as the wind.
The Faith of the Eos Consortium explained as well as some history about the Eosians themselves.

Eos Consortium and Nakai belong to :iconemperormyric:
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rkraptor70's avatar
I wonder how many will die in the 2nd civil war......