
Walk Between Worlds Part 2

Deviation Actions

EmperorMyric's avatar

Literature Text

Palghast: Union Rim world: Union universe

Chimera chuckled. "Interesting rumors.   toss me in jail with some murder and attempted assassination charges. I'll see if I can get him the slime ball from before  to talk.... one way or another. "

"Sounds like a good plan to me, Oh..." He said suddenly aware "I never did introduce myself. I am Rafael Abiose Now a sergeant of the 895th Expeditionary corps. An honour" He smiled

" nice to finally know your name.  It would of been awkward calling you 'boy' all the time." She chuckled, amused. " now if you want him to think I'm really being arrested you are going to need to be rough and rough me up a little. "

He laughed for a second staring at her “Rough up a beautiful women like yourself? Well I suppose you are right” He chuckled a moment before looking around a moment, then grabbing her wrists and nodding to her as a signal to pretend to be arrested.

"Oh don't you start," She growled before raising her voice and trying to pull away." let go of me you piece of union crap!

"Your coming in with me! Murder and Illegal possession of weaponry! you will be lucky if they don't put you down for this!" He shouted, bringing out a small device and placing it between her wrists, activating to form a laser tether around her hands keeping them together. then grabbing her arms to try move her. The club had yet again stopped with everyone watching. a few of the Union guards standing up "Nothing to see here! Back to your drinks!" They shouted, with some of the clubbers in the corner paying special attention to the spectacle as they sipped their drinks. And a singular man in another corner looking over and downing his drink only to then look back and walk out of the club.

She shouted angrily, lashing out at him and attempting to shove him away so she could run.
"You lying pieces of shit!" She snapped , trying to kick him though she deliberately missed

He got behind her, restraining her arms as he escorted her out the door, some of the other off duty Union guys keeping the crowds of intrested visitors away. Outside a Warrior LAV lay waiting, the driver had the door open for Rafael to put her in the back, he threw her in, not hard but enough to look good for the act, he then slammed the door and nodded to the driver, turning back only to give her a slight wink.

She kicked and thrashed the whole way, shouting angrily as she tried to break away She grunted as she was throw  into the vehicle , continuing to cause a scene. She saw the wink and gave a grim smile back as she felt blood trickle from her nose and corner of her mouth.

The drive wasn’t so long, the vehicle pulling up to a Union forces base located in the center of the town, fenced around with defensive emplacements and guarded by multiple PDF forces Rafael wasn’t sure which ones he could trust. But for now Chimera was his only hope and he wasn’t going to let her fail either. As the vehicle pulled up he got out and opened the door, pulling her up and out and into one of the buildings.
“You here to process her?” The man at the front desk asked.
“No I will process her myself, I need a cell too”
“No cells free, just throw her in 46, you can do a quite process and we will fill the rest out” The man said without a care… And this is how justice has fallen… Rafael thought to himself. Taking her down a long corridor filled with cells surrounded by laser bars he eventually reached 46, that already had both the man Chimera had previously encountered earlier and another fellow inside.

"Fucking cunts the lot of you. Sleep in fear I'll tear  you to pieces when I get out." She hissed angrily, kicking him in the shin. Her hair was a mess and blood on her face and clothing stood out more clearly in the light of the cells

"Stupid bitch get in there!" He pushed her in a re activated the laser array, typing in some details on his arm mounted holo computer. the two men in the cell looking with sly grins. "Fancy meeting you again miss tough to get. What they got you in here for?" He smiled

She growled angrily and lashed out at Rafael through the bars  
"Murder and attempted assassination. " She hissed, not turning to look at him

"Ah so the usual round here then" He chuckled "Who did you do in? Anyone worth it?" He smiled. The other man merely sitting in the corner observing them both with one eye.

"Don't know and don't  care. Like you guessed I'm new around here. Was easy money until someone ratted me out."

"I see. Well todays your lucky day sweetheart, if you want I can have you out of here in a couple of ours. See I am in with some very... charming sort of guys who have nice ties to these Union blokes. and well they wont fuck with him. Perhaps we can get you out and into some place safe, try work something out. You seem the type that can handle yourself well, we always have need for more like you" He grinned. He obviously liked flaunting his alliegance while the man in the back said nothing.

She gave a small smile as blood started to  drip from her clothing and onto the floor.
" sounds Interesting...." She chuckled quietly. " What do you mean by 'try work something out '?"

He shrugged “Well a fine women such as yourself would be able to offer your skills as a fighter and assassin, you are obviously well trained at it. All the while we can offer money, and protection from the law when things do go wrong. Mutual agreement and all that, of course someone like you the boss might want to see or hear about but who knows” He tapped his nose.

She gave a grim smile.
" mhmmm..... sounds like we have a deal then. "

He nodded "Call me slinky, real names not important. You may laugh I know but who dosent have a rather funny name now and again aye?" He said almost sounding now like he couldn't stop talking "We should be out in a few hours give it time, have a rest or something... and how about you my fellow will you be joining us?" He turned to the silent man who merely looked up at Chimera, staring for a moment before looking back down. "Stay away from me" He muttered. "Aw really come on man? Im sure you are a stone cold killer too!" Slinky played. "Shut the fuck up before I break your neck. Leave me the fuck alone" He muttered back Slinky now being silent and sitting back down.

Chimera sighed quietly and turned her back on them both, shifting slightly at the pain in her side. She was wary of what would happen in thr next few hours. the situation would have to be handled carefully.

As a few more hours dragged by some more people were brought into the cells around the area, giving the impression it was like this daily with overcrowding too. Slinky merely sat in one corner looking happy with himself while the other man sat there unmoving, only to glance at Chimera now and again. Of Rafael there was no sign, but a Union PDF trooper came over to the cell “You come with me” He said pointing to Slinky, he grinned and came over the lasers being deactivated. Slinky whispered something to the man before he turned to her “You too. Come with me”

She was silent for quite a while , not giving either man her attention. She wondered how Rafael was fairing . She snapped out of her thoughts  when the man spoke to her. She shrugged and followed them quietly , alert for any hint of danger

The PDF soldier took them back down the cell hall, some of the inmates giving them glancing looks as they walked back out, this time however the guard didn't take them back out into the main area, he went deeper into the facility. Stark white halls devoid of most things apart from smooth architecture seemed endless as he finally got a door and opened. "In you go" He commanded. Slinky smiling entered "Ta very much my old pal" Inside the room was a large table, one man sat at it, he was in Union armour. Yet it wasn't blue like the others, scratched and bullet ridden it was rust coloured and drab, two other men behind him in the same. Both armed with APR-30A plasma carbines. The man sat with his fingers to his mouth watching as Slinky entered the room and took a chair then staring at Chimera with intrest.

Chimera kept a blank and slightly irritated expression on her face as she followed the men, keeping tabs on those around her, glancing at faces as she tried to figure out what was happening. She pulled the hood back up to hide her eyes and most of her face.

When the entered the rooms she eyed the three men warily before crossing her arms.  She had been under the impression that they were going outside and not deeper into the facility.

"Hey boss, thanks for getting me out again! and this time I might have just the thing to repay you! A new recruit, she looks the part as a stone cold killer, she was arrested for murder and attempted assassination, pretty good going huh?" He smiled joking around a bit. The main merely turned to look at him, the old worn Union power armour helmet he wore concealed his face, and when he spoke a voice synthesiser changed it somewhat into a harsh grating tone. "Slinky... I was debating to keep you in there for once to rot. But for once you have brought me something..." He eyed Chimera "Intresting. Your Angel Dust is in possession of the guard outside, he will give it to you and you will be released. Return to the club and search for more recruits" Slinky nodded and grinned widely turning to Chimera "See you around! Hope this deal was good enough for you and you need anything let me know!" He bumbled off towards the door in a chirpy tone as he exited. "So newcomer. You are not from this world, I can tell that fairly easily, however already killing people? I admire that. You look skilled at it"

Chimera kept her hood up though studied the men in the room carefully, coming to the conclusion the man in worn armor was the boss. She flexed her hands for a moment as she watched Slinky vanish. She had been under the impression that she would of been free to leave with Slinky.
She watched the man in the worn armor as he spoke to her. She shrugged
"And? " She said quietly

He chuckled slightly, the sound being somewhat grating due to what was perceieved as a damage voice projector on the suit. "We have use for someone like yourself. Varus while having control does need those who wish to help... Eliminate certain problems covertly rather than head on. We can make a deal, you come work for us, we share the spoils and ensure you never get into problems with the authorities here"

She pressed her lips into a thin line at his words. Not the boss it would seem.
"That would depend on the problems and what kind of deal.... and for how long."

He shrugged his shoulders "That depends on what the problems are that need fixing. And how long they need fixing for" He played, He pulled his hands up and with a click undid his helmet. Placing it on the table to reveal a very clean cut and handsome man, blonde short hair and incredibly piercing green eyes most likely genetic enhancement. He grinned at her "My name is Voldorius or Viper as the others call me. Watch out I bite" He laughed, this time in a normal tone out of helmet.

She studied his face, hand flexing again. It would be so easy to kill them here but she held herself back.
"  Well.... I'll give it a trial run. See how it all goes before I make my final decision..... as for my name.... I will not be sharing it.... I am  an unknown."

He smirked "Nothing is truly unknown here, besides half of us are officially classified as dead. I am a dead man apprantly. As for a trial run?" He laughed "This isn't a pleasure cruise, but for someone of your skill we will allow this... Consider yourself free for now. We will find you again when we need your services, there are always jobs to do" He put the helmet back on the grating voice returning "Until next time." He gestured to the door.

"Everything is an unknown Child, " She said a near cold tone. " her lip curled up slightly into a faint snarl. " Pleasure cruise? I've been involved in things a lot worse than your little crime ring." She paused. " until next time," and with that she turned and exited the room, leaving a bloody hand print on the door

Voldorius watched her leave the room and leant back on the chair talking to the guards “She seems a lot more capable that she puts on” One of them muttered. “She is dangerous you can tell it from the aura she gives off” The other replied. Voldorius chuckled again harshly.
“Either way the boss will be hearing about this, he may even be personally interested. We could use someone of her calibre, and while I can already guess she wont work with us for long we can try to get as much out of her as we can…”

The PDF guard who stood by the door nodded to her as he closed it again, gesturing her to follow as he took her back down the pristine halls and went a different way. Eventually getting to the entrance area “You are free to leave, the paper work has been removed of your record here. Don’t let them down” He said turning to leave. She was now outside in the Union PDF base, men going to and fro as they conducted business, the shattered monument some way off down the large street the base was attached to.

She looked around, a mysterious figure hidden by a large and tattered cloak, blood dripping onto the floor. " Don't let him down.... heh.... I will send them into the darkness of oblivion. They will burn." She said to herself. She looked around for Rafael as she made her way towards the shattered monument.
Part 2 of RP between me and :iconchimerasblood:


Chimera belongs to :iconchimerasblood:

Union and setting :iconemperormyric:
© 2015 - 2024 EmperorMyric
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ShaozChampion's avatar
Reading this at work XD. Curious to see whats next